.......When it was safe to be naturally friendly......Before the Coronavirus !!
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Welcome To Downton Bowling Club
Open days in 2022 are 1st May and the 27/29 May - see the News Page
Our green some years ago.

The Green is full size which enables seven rinks to be played at one time and in common with most clubs allows the playing direction to be rotated on a regular basis to ensure even wear to the playing surface.
We are a very varied collection of individuals who are members, several of whom travel some distance passing other clubs to specifically play at Downton Bowling Club, because of it’s friendly and convivial atmosphere. Whilst the teams and matches are competitive the most important attribute of the membership is that everyone enjoys themselves and plays with integrity, good grace and good humour. The friendship and offers of assistance, advice and tips extended to novices and newcomers is exceptional and enduring.
In common with all other well run clubs Downton Bowling Club has a Child Protection and Safeguarding Officer who has been D.B.S. cleared.
We are CASC registered
As a Mixed club we have the usual Mens, Ladies and Mixed teams, competing in local leagues.
We are a very varied collection of individuals who are members, several of whom travel some distance passing other clubs to specifically play at Downton Bowling Club, because of it’s friendly and convivial atmosphere. Whilst the teams and matches are competitive the most important attribute of the membership is that everyone enjoys themselves and plays with integrity, good grace and good humour. The friendship and offers of assistance, advice and tips extended to novices and newcomers is exceptional and enduring.
In common with all other well run clubs Downton Bowling Club has a Child Protection and Safeguarding Officer who has been D.B.S. cleared.
We are CASC registered
As a Mixed club we have the usual Mens, Ladies and Mixed teams, competing in local leagues.
Bowling has changed over the recent years……..
Lawn bowling is a sport which can be played by anyone of any age, sex or ability, as you can see from the photos, we have young people enjoying the sport. It is also a good game for friends and partners to play together, also great for meeting new people.
We would like to encourage people to come along and try it. Nowadays ladies don't have to wear silly school hats, blazers and pleated skirts, (they can if they want to) but most prefer long or cropped leg trousers, a baseball hat and an attractive club shirt completes the outfit. Modern white trainers are made especially with flat soles to keep the grass in order. We now accept the wearing of tailored shorts on the warmer days.
Bowling is a simple objective - nearest bowl (s) to the jack win, but to be able to play well needs concentration and practice.
It has been medically proven that bowls improves your general health and helps to strengthen your immune system by giving your muscles and joints good exercise. Due to the extensive muscles you use, bowls is a good full body motion, stretching the muscles and conditioning others.
During an average game you will bend more than 40 times, walk approximately 1260 metres and swing your arm more than 40 times to deliver a bowl weighing more than 3 pounds.
Downton have two public open days at the bowling club in Wick Lane, Downton, usuall in May at 2pm till 4pm. If you want to 'Have a go', there will be bowlers there ready and willing help you. Drop by for a taster/trial/hands-on experience. Just turn up have a cup of tea and give it a try. This will be advertised locally nearer the time.
Downton is a very friendly club, who take their bowling seriously but at the end of the day, if they don't win - well there's always another day !!

We are always pleased to host touring teams from around the country, where there is the opportunity to meet new people from far and wide with a similar passion for the game.
The outdoor playing season runs from mid April to the end of September – although the beginning of the season does show up the fact that some of the players are a bit rusty after the winter lay off and the “heads” are more open and wayward shots more numerous. Please see the Fixtures pages for teams played and the leagues matches.
Friday nights are usually Club Night when members are able to have non-competitive games or coaching with fellow members and then enjoy a drink at the bar in the social club.
Periodically, throughout the year there are Race Nights, Skittles evenings, Quiz Night and Fish Suppers when members get together, have a few drinks, and more often than not there will be a raffle to raise funds for charity. (See our Charities page)
We welcome new members, both novices and experienced players of all ages, and as an Open club there is no barrier to membership – other than paying the membership fee!!!
Perhaps you’ve enjoyed sport in the past but for whatever reason have given up, why not consider trying your hand at bowls. An example of this is a local couple who had moved into the area a few years ago and decided to come along to one of the open days as he was a keen and active sportsman but was prevented through injury from continuing his chosen sport, since his wife (not particularly sports minded) had little going on she decided to join him. Many years later they both regularly play lawn bowls at Downton in the summer and enjoy Short mat bowls during the “off season” elsewhere.
The Club also welcomes Associate / non-playing members who enjoy a good chat in a relaxed environment. As a member of the Downton Bowling Club you are also automatically a member of the Downton Sports Club with use of the facilities it has to offer with the licensed bars and function rooms.
Equally, you may have been playing for years and recently moved into the area so are looking for a local club, or have become are disillusioned with your current club.
If you would like more information about joining us at Downton Bowling Club please contact any of the following:-
Cathy Dean (Hon. Secretary) - 01425 654070
Alan Waters (Mens Captain) – 01725 512531
Barbara Davies (Ladies Captain) – 01794 322925
Mike Hallam (Membership Secretary) - 01725 513359
Alternatively you can contact us by email
The outdoor playing season runs from mid April to the end of September – although the beginning of the season does show up the fact that some of the players are a bit rusty after the winter lay off and the “heads” are more open and wayward shots more numerous. Please see the Fixtures pages for teams played and the leagues matches.
Friday nights are usually Club Night when members are able to have non-competitive games or coaching with fellow members and then enjoy a drink at the bar in the social club.
Periodically, throughout the year there are Race Nights, Skittles evenings, Quiz Night and Fish Suppers when members get together, have a few drinks, and more often than not there will be a raffle to raise funds for charity. (See our Charities page)
We welcome new members, both novices and experienced players of all ages, and as an Open club there is no barrier to membership – other than paying the membership fee!!!
Perhaps you’ve enjoyed sport in the past but for whatever reason have given up, why not consider trying your hand at bowls. An example of this is a local couple who had moved into the area a few years ago and decided to come along to one of the open days as he was a keen and active sportsman but was prevented through injury from continuing his chosen sport, since his wife (not particularly sports minded) had little going on she decided to join him. Many years later they both regularly play lawn bowls at Downton in the summer and enjoy Short mat bowls during the “off season” elsewhere.
The Club also welcomes Associate / non-playing members who enjoy a good chat in a relaxed environment. As a member of the Downton Bowling Club you are also automatically a member of the Downton Sports Club with use of the facilities it has to offer with the licensed bars and function rooms.
Equally, you may have been playing for years and recently moved into the area so are looking for a local club, or have become are disillusioned with your current club.
If you would like more information about joining us at Downton Bowling Club please contact any of the following:-
Cathy Dean (Hon. Secretary) - 01425 654070
Alan Waters (Mens Captain) – 01725 512531
Barbara Davies (Ladies Captain) – 01794 322925
Mike Hallam (Membership Secretary) - 01725 513359
Alternatively you can contact us by email